
DL8579 or AF0019  EWR 11/16 19:10 --- CDG 11/17 08:30
(7個半小時在巴黎, 能做什麼?  法航在2E, Priority Pass的lounge在2A, 2E到2A好像距離很遠?  以前兩次在戴高樂機場, 買東西買到時間不夠, 跟本不知道戴高樂機場長什麼樣子.)
DL8634 or AF0536  CDG 11/17 16:10 --- OUA 11/17 20:45

DL8633 or AF0535 OUA 11/29 23:30 --- CDG 11/30 05:55
(7個半小時的shopping time?  能買什麼?  我會好好的研究, 寫一份報告, 但是跟台股上萬點一樣, 不知那一天會發生!)
DL8578 or AF0018 CDG 11/30 13:40 --- EWR 11/30 16:00

一覺醒來, 我收到2個簡訊和5個e-mail, Andrea的效率也太高了.  昨天(11/9)的電話中要我幫她的host family的baby帶一些Stephen小時候的衣服, 她以為我們家有很多倉庫裝她們小時候的衣服?  (腦袋有沒有問題?)  我家老爺說要送人家還是買新的.  K是Andrea剛去布吉那法索受訓期間住的host family.  Peace Corps把他們定位為乾爹乾媽.  Baby is a boy born premature in March (was supposed to be May) name is Alex.

You should bring a hat, sunglasses (no contact lenses, too much dust), camera, dust mask

Current exchange rate for usd to cfa is 462 per dollar, 656 cfa per euro.  (所以帶美金還是帶歐元?  好像歐元比較划算!)

If you want, it’s easier for me to just pay for everything i still have approximately 1 million cfa (那更好)

Do you want to hire private driver (75 dollars per day) or to take public transportation/motorcycle - 3 -15 dollars per day (當然是private driver比較省事, 不過為了省錢, 短程用公共汽車, 長程用private driver)


We will definitely go to Sabou to see crocodiles, do the other things by Ouagadougou interest you? Or do you want to go to bobo/banfora to see waterfalls? (當然好)

Also we will go here which takes credit card.  http://www.villageartisanal-ouaga.com/ (其實我對這些沒什麼興趣, 我是極簡奢華風)

Call me with what you decide will try to check email this weekend (明天再打電話了)

You should know that election is Sunday 21 so many things will be closed on Sunday 21 and Monday 22 (我對選舉沒什麼興趣不需要考察非洲的選舉)


Okay proposed schedule:

Wednesday 11/17 arrive at night, have dinner at the Kahoun's house (要帶什麼禮物?) [1]

Thursday 11/18 go to Peace Corps office, meet them, continue to Foret Bangre Weoogo which is on the Wikipedia page I sent you, walk around there take pictures, eat lunch, relax in the afternoon, have dinner at nice restaurant with the Kahoun family.  (Nice restaurant是那國菜?)
市區觀光:摩西王國之古老宮殿(不可拍攝及入內參觀)、蘇丹式樣之清真寺、市政府、總統府、博物館及大教堂,下午前往郊區造訪石雕國際和平公園,將看到世界各地區美麗之石雕作品。 [1]

Friday 11/19 go to artisan's village, have lunch with Jack? Take public transportation to Yaba arrive at night (Jacques 11/19回到OUA, 但是不知道什麼時候?) 179km [2]

Saturday 11/20 market day in Yaba, see small village market, see primary schools with lots of students, see secondary school (library) with no students (小學要上課, 中學不上課, 怎麼這麼奇怪?)[2]

Sunday 11/21 election day, we either stay in Yaba and you can see what election is like in small village or we go to Tougan by motorcycle and stay in hotel (about 20 dollars with a/c no internet since election day), you can meet Jessi & Tyler, married volunteers in Tougan. 34km [3]

Monday 11/22 probably no school again so we can stay another night in Tougan [3]

Tuesday 11/23 go back to Yaba by motorcycle, see secondary school with students, see other smaller villages in the area. [2]

Wednesday 11/24 go to Toma[5] by motorcycle and take public transportation to Koudougou, arrive by 11 am at latest, meet my friends the Tiemtore family, meet Taiwanese people at hospital (maybe since don’t have their contact information anymore, you should try by email).  89km [6]

Thursday 11/25 mornings go by motorcycle to Sabou see sacred crocodiles, come back after lunch.  72km [7]

Sunday 11/28 go to Ouagadougou early morning, hire driver to go to Loango/Ziniare or Manega for the day, come back to Ouaga spend night in hotel. 109km [1]

Monday 11/29 go to artisan's village again to pick up anything you might want, eat dinner at nice restaurant and then fly to America [1]

我對motorcycle有點感冒.  我不會騎機車, 更丟臉的是也不會騎腳踏車, 只會開車.  看起來離開OUA之後的行程都是無中生有.


Craft fair in Fespaco. (嚴格說, 我對手工藝品並沒有太大的興趣)

The romance of the Sahel desert can also be explored and information on desert markets, camel safaris, and secret dune encampments is covered for the intrepid traveler. (我對沙漠和駱駝比較有興趣, 最好能有一群駱駝站在沙漠上讓我拍照, 如果再加個夕陽就perfect.  但是不保證照片和看到的一樣)

Best wildlife experiences--from lion-tracking in Arly to close encounters with crocodiles in Bazolé (大象和獅子就死了心吧!  沒有第三類接觸.  不過鱷魚還有希望?!)



推薦去南部一個小村莊(TIEBELE),整個村莊都是傳統彩繪建築,這蠻有趣的 (從oua去要180公里, 不知有沒有人會帶我去)

OUAGA北邊40km處有個私人面具博物館,如果你喜歡歷史又不怕恐怖面具,可以去參觀(這個就算了, 威尼斯的面具我也沒興趣)

北部沙漠區最近都有恐怖份子,還是別去的好.  (OK, 北部不能去, 駱駝照不到了)


到處玩哪裡都好啦!很多期MOTOBIKE的行程,馬路都是崎嶇土路,請維持好您的體力!哈哈 (有人用哈哈做結束, 可能是要我自求多福吧!)


這幾天就是忙著採購宣慰僑胞和鞏固邦誼的物資.  不過我對買東西沒什麼天份, 先把自己需要的打理好, 其他的就繼續努力了!


就這樣, 一個人去旅行, 帶著滿滿的行囊!


First thing in Paris, I lost my camera! 

就這樣, 一個人去旅行!


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