Dear Friends & Family,

I found out on the Fourth of July where my official site is for the next two years. I am visiting Yaba, my site, on July 11th.

Yaba has hosted volunteers in the past in the health and education centers.  The director of the CEG had such a great experience with volunteers in the past that he requested a volunteer again!  I will be in a courtyard with another family, but I will have my own private courtyard.  My regional capital is Dedougou and I will be only 11 km from Toma (where I will probably have my post box) and 25 km from Tougan.  I will have a neighbor about 30 km away.  The language spoken is San, and the people in this region are primarily Samo.  Though Moore and Dula (Jula) are also spoken.  Yaba is located in the NW part of the country and from what I hear there are a lot of animals (for eating) there.

I am pretty far away from the other stagiaires (trainees) in my group.  In fact, there are very few volunteers in my region.  There is one volunteer about 65 K away and another volunteer about 80 K away.  It looks like I will have to bike about 40 K to get to the nearest (and also very unreliable) source of internet.  So, after August, it looks like it will be mostly letters for communicating with me.  You can keep sending mail to the same address until I get a post office box in the nearest "city" to me.

I also got a cell phone recently.  I have two different phone numbers.  On one, I can actually receive and send text messages to the USA.  On the other, I can't send text messages to the USA, but I will actually have service at my site.

My two phone numbers are (226) 76793190 and (226) 70649690.  Send me text messages with news from the states!  Or if you are feeling rich you can call me too, but in general, I am in bed by 9 or 10 and at class all day.  The best day to reach me is Sunday.  The time difference is currently four hours to the east coast and seven hours to the west coast (we are on gmt here all year round)

Fourth of July was well celebrated by us PCTs.  Some how I volunteer myself for organising these fun activities.  We ended up getting some meat ground at a local restaurant.  We made some tasty onion hamburgers and potato salad.  They were fantastic.

It's cooled down a bit thanks to the start of the rainy season.  I didnt take any pictures during site visit because I have been sick for a while now (it made biking 40 K at noon a lot more fun), but I can tell you my village is very pretty (with lots of trees relatively speaking) and I have cell phone reception.  The down side is no electricity, running water, or even paved roads.  I have some issues with my counterpart and my house, but my APCD (and basically a good portion of the staff) is in the process of clearing it all up.  So, hopefully I wont have to change sites, since it is really a beautiful area.  I hope after two years I will be able to mangle at least two of the local languages, if not three.

On the plus side (thanks to all the biking and being sick) I am down twenty pounds.  I dont actually think this is a good thing, but I cant really tell since all my clothes have elastic waistbands.  I actually think I have only been losing muscle mass since the diet here is so low in protein (and really high in fat and carbs).

Model school starts next week.  I am teaching 6e and 3e math during model school (equiv of sixth grade and ninth grade).  At site, it has yet to be determined since I can pretty much teach whatever subject I want.  The down side is I have 100+ kids in all of my classes.  There is no basketball court, so I think I am going to try to have one built by the middle school and one by the primary school.

Yes, it has been hot and hard, and my intestines hate me, but I think it will work out.  Swear in (when i get to call myself a volunteer) is the day after my birthday so I plan on making it!







我在國慶日當天知道我未來兩年要服務的村莊 Yaba, 我也在7/11拜訪了Yaba.

Yaba在過去有保健和教育的義工服務過, 那裹的負責人對義工的服務非常感謝, 並再次要求義工的服務.  我將會住在一間院子與鄰居相連的房子.  我們的省會是Dedougou, Toma大約離我11公里 (我可能在這裡租用郵政信箱), tougan距離我25公里, 我的鄰居距離我30公里. 這裡講San, 不過Moore話和Dula話也可通用. 這裡大部分是屬於Samo.  Yaba在布吉納法索的西北部, 畜產發達的地區.

我離其他的義工很遠, 事實上在這個地區的義工不多, 最近的一位義工離我65公里, 另一位離我80公里. 看起來我要騎腳踏車騎40公里才有網咖 (而且還是線路不穩定的網咖), 所以八月以後大家要用書信跟我聯絡了. 大家還是可以寄到同一個地址直到我租好郵箱.

我有兩隻手機, 一隻可以收發簡訊 (226)70649690 但是在Yaba沒有訊號, 另一隻是不能收發簡訊但是在這裡和Yaba都可通話 (226)76793190. 送一些美國消息的簡訊給我, 如果你覺得你很有錢也可以打電話給我. 普通我九點到十點上床, 白天都在上課. 最好是星期日打電話給我, 目前和東岸的時差是四小時, 和西岸差七小時. (比台灣時間慢八個小時)

國慶日的慶祝活動, 我辧了一些康樂活動, 最後從餐廳買了一些碎肉作了很好吃的洋蔥漢堡及馬鈴薯沙拉. 大家都很盡興!

由於雨季的緣故現在比較涼快些了.  因為我病了好幾天, 所以去Yaba時我沒有照任何像片(尤其是中午烈日當空下騎腳踏車騎了40公里).  但是我可以告訴各位, 那裡很漂亮, 比其他地區多了很多樹, 而且我的手機收的到訊號. 但是那裡沒有電沒有自來水也沒有柏油馬路. 而且我對房子和接應的人有些意見, Peace Corps的人在協調處理中.  這是一個漂亮的地方, 我不希望改調別處.  我希望兩年後我能說兩三種方言.

往好處想, 生病和騎腳踏車讓我減肥減了二十磅! 雖然我不認為這是好事!  從衣服漸漸寬鬆就知道我變瘦了.  我確信我是肌肉變結實了, 該歸功於這裡的低蛋白質 (高脂防和高碳水化合物)

下個星期就開始在實驗學校試教六年級和九年級的數學. Yaba還沒有決定教那個年級, 應該教那個年級都沒有問題, 只是每個班級都有一百多個學生.  那裡的學校沒有籃球場, 所以我想在小學和中學各蓋一個籃球場.

是的, 這裡佷熱, 佷辛苦, 而且常拉肚子, 但是我應該撑的過去.  到我生日過後的宣誓才正式成為義工, 我相信我辦得到!





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